Enabling SSH access on a router in Packet Tracer

In this article, I describe the steps for Enabling SSH access on a router in Packet Tracer. Enabling SSH access on a router in Packet Tracer involves several steps. SSH (Secure Shell) provides a secure way to access and manage network devices remotely. Here are the steps for Enabling SSH access on a router in Packet Tracer:

Access Router CLI:

  • Launch Packet Tracer and open the network topology where the router is located.
  • Double-click the router icon to open the Command Line Interface (CLI) of the router.

Configure a Hostname:

  • Enter privileged exec mode by typing enable and then entering the enable password if configured.
  • Configure a hostname for the router using the hostname command. For example, hostname Router1.

Generate Encryption Keys:

  • Encryption keys are necessary for secure SSH communication. Generate them using the following commands:
    crypto key generate rsa usage-keys label ssh-key modulus 2048
    This command generates a 2048-bit RSA key pair for SSH.
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Configure the VTY Lines:

  • Enter global configuration mode by typing configure terminal.
  • Access the VTY (Virtual Terminal) lines configuration using the following command:
    line vty 0 15
    This command accesses all the VTY lines from 0 to 15.

Enable SSH Login:

  • To allow SSH access only, disable Telnet by using the transport input command:
    transport input ssh

Set a Login Local Authentication Method:

  • Configure the router to use the local username and password for authentication. You can create a local username and password pair with the following commands:
    login local username user1 secret pass@1234
    Replace <username> and <password> with your desired username and password.

Exit Configuration Mode:

  • Exit VTY line configuration mode and global configuration mode by typing exit twice.

Save Configuration:

  • Save the configuration to the router’s startup configuration file to persist the changes across reboots:
    write memory

Testing SSH Access:

  • From a remote device (PC or another router) with SSH client software, attempt to connect to the router’s IP address. Use the configured username and password when prompted.
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That’s it! You have now enabled SSH access for remote management on the router in Packet Tracer. Remember to use username user1 and password pass@1234 with your actual values, and ensure that the router’s interfaces are properly configured and reachable from the network you are connecting from.

Conclusion for Enabling SSH access on a router in Packet Tracer

This article provides basic idea for Enabling SSH access on a router. I hope you found this article helpful on the subject. You may contact us or drop a comment below for any kind of query related to the contents of this website.

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