Practice test for ccna 200-301 set 84

In this article I provide you online dummy practice test for ccna 200-301. The questions of this article practice test for ccna 200-301 may be helpful you to check your knowledge about networking or ccna exam 200-301. This test for ccna 200-301 contains a 10 questions mcq related to Automation and programability. There are many online websites and books available for Practice for ccna 200-301 exam. You can found these resources easily via any online search engine like google or yahoo etc. Along with these resources attempt the test for ccna 200-301 on this website may be helpful you to build confidence and check your knowledge.

How to attempt this Practice test for ccna 200-301 set 84

This article have 10 questions with multiple answers. You need to select the correct answer and at the end of the quiz just click on the button “click to check your answer”. A message will prompt on your screen with the exam score. You can also see the correct answers on page. So play the below quiz and do a dummy test for ccna 200-301 to check your knowledge about ccna 200-301 exam. At the end of this article link available for next or previous quiz. The complete list of all quiz is available for dummy test for ccna 200-301 here.

  • 1. Which configuration management utility is easy to set up?

    A) Chef.

    B) Ansible.

    C) Python.

    D) Cisco DNA center.

  • 2. Which of the following format is a custom ansible module written?

    A) CSV.

    B) YAML.

    C) JSON.

    D) None of the above.

  • 3. What must be the beginning of JSON file easy to identify ?

    A) ''.

    B) "".

    C) --.

    D) [.

  • 4. What is the meaning of square barackt for the key of a JSON file?

    A) There may be several key-value pairs for the key required.

    B) The key value is unknown.

    C) The key value is not correct.

    D) None of the above.

  • 5. What sign should be use for begin a JASON script?

    A) (.

    B) [.

    C) {.

    D) None of the above.

  • 6. Which is the advantage for using JSON file over a CSV file?

    A) Easy to use and understand the text.

    B) A single key can be used for multiple values.

    C) The layout is user friendly and easy to understood.

    D) Hierarchical structure allows for programmability.

  • 7. What format used for requesting from Cisco DNA ceter via REST-based API?


    B) CSV.

    C) XML.

    D) YAML.

  • 8. What is required for all collections of routes?

    A) {}.

    B) ().

    C) [].

    D) None of the above.

  • 9. Which JSON tag used to define the collection of IP addresses?

    A) IP-address.

    B) ipaddress.

    C) IP_address.

    D) None of the above.

  • 10. What is full form of JSON ?

    A) Java Script Object Notification.

    B) Java Script Object Notation.

    C) Java Script Object Notes.

    D) None of the above.

Attend all Practice exam for ccna 200-301 on this site. Every quiz on this website have different questions there are approx 200 quiz available here on this site for Practice exam for ccna 200-301. for explanation of any question you may explore our website via this link. This website covers almost topics of CCNA 200-301.

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