Practice test for ccna 200-301 set 38

In this article I provide you online dummy practice test for ccna 200-301. The questions of this article practice test for ccna 200-301 may be helpful you to check your knowledge about networking or ccna exam 200-301. This test for ccna 200-301 contains a 10 questions mcq related to Network Access. There are many online websites and books available for Practice for ccna 200-301 exam. You can found these resources easily via any online search engine like google or yahoo etc. Along with these resources attempt the test for ccna 200-301 on this website may be helpful you to build confidence and check your knowledge.

How to attempt this Practice test for ccna 200-301 set 38

This article have 10 questions with multiple answers. You need to select the correct answer and at the end of the quiz just click on the button “click to check your answer”. A message will prompt on your screen with the exam score. You can also see the correct answers on page. So play the below quiz and do a dummy test for ccna 200-301 to check your knowledge about ccna 200-301 exam. At the end of this article link available for next or previous quiz. The complete list of all quiz is available for dummy test for ccna 200-301 here.

  • 1. Which of the following application can be used to access terminal over a network?

    A) Telnet.

    B) FTP.

    C) PPTP.

    D) HTTPS.

  • 2. Which of the following command can be used to take telnet of a router?

    A) Router#line vty

    B) Router#

    C) Router#remote

    D) None of the above.

  • 3. Which of the following used by TACACS+?

    A) UDP 53.

    B) UDP 49.

    C) TCP 53.

    D) TCP 49.

  • 4. Which of the following can be used to make the session encryption?

    A) RADIUS.

    B) SSH.

    C) HTTPS.

    D) TACACS+.

  • 5. Which of the following used by SSH for encryption?

    A) Hash encryption.

    B) Code block encryption.

    C) Asymmetrical encryption.

    D) Symmetrical encryption.

  • 6. Where is the information displayed by default when debugging any WAP?

    A) logging server.

    B) Command prompt.

    C) Monitor.

    D) Console.

  • 7. Which of the following is an open standard proposed by IETF?

    A) PAgP.

    B) TACACS+.

    C) RADIUS.

    D) LDAP.

  • 8. Which of the following can use for AES encryption?

    A) SSH.

    B) HTTPS.

    C) Hash.

    D) RADIUS.

  • 9. How to connect a device first time with an autonomous WAP?

    A) Telnet.

    B) HTTPS.

    C) Console.

    D) Hash.

  • 10. What should be the connection speed for console connected to a Cisco device?

    A) 4800 boud.

    B) 9600 baud.

    C) 14400 baud.

    D) Auto.

Attend all Practice exam for ccna 200-301 on this site. Every quiz on this website have different questions there are approx 200 quiz available here on this site for Practice exam for ccna 200-301. for explanation of any question you may explore our website via this link. This website covers almost topics of CCNA 200-301.

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