MCQ for VLAN set 2

This blog contains a 10 questions mcq for VLAN. you can check your knowledge about VLAN basic by playing the below quiz . you need to select the correct answer from below quiz. There is a button at the end of this page to check your result. The button will show you your score and correct answers. You can check your knowledge about the VLAN basics.

  • 1. Which command used to make a port trunk port ?

    A) switchport mode trunk.

    B) port mode trunk.

    C) switchport enable trunk.

    D) switchport enable mode trunk.

  • 2. Which command used to remove the trunk mode of a port ?

    A) switchport no mode trunk.

    B) switchport delete mode trunk.

    C) switchport rem mode access.

    D) switchport mode access.

  • 3. What is the default CoS value of layer 2 ?

    A) 1.

    B) 0.

    C) 10.

    D) 100.

  • 4. What command is used to enable the voice vlan feature on a port ?

    A) switchport mode voice vlan.

    B) switchport voice vlan.

    C) switchport change voice vlan.

    D) None of the above.

  • 5. Which IEEE standard frames used to carry voice traffic of IP phone for a specified voice VLAN ?

    A) 802.1p.

    B) 802.1D.

    C) 802.1W.

    D) 802.1Q.

  • 6. What IEEE standard is used for priority tagging for voice traffic in a VLAN ?

    A) 802.1p.

    B) 802.1Q.

    C) 802.1D.

    D) 802.1W.

  • 7. How switches identify which frames belong to which VLANs ?

    A) Frame filtering.

    B) Mac filtering.

    C) Frame tagging.

    D) None of the above.

  • 8. Which IEEE standard used for trunking between cisco and other devices ?

    A) 802.1W.>

    B) 802.1p.

    C) 802.1Q.

    D) 802.1W.

  • 9. What is the default VTP mode ?

    A) Client.

    B) Server.

    C) Transparent.

    D) None of the above.

  • 10. In which mode only you can change VTP information on a switch ?

    A) Client.

    B) Server.

    C) Transparent.

    D) None of the above.

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