MCQ for TCP-IP set 1

This blog contains a 10 questions mcq for TCP IP. you can check your knowledge about TCP IP basic by playing the below quiz . you need to select the correct answer from below quiz. There is a button at the end of this page to check your result. The button will show you your score and correct answers. You can check your knowledge about the TCP IP basics.

  • 1. TCP/IP suite was created by whom

    A) DOD.

    B) ISO.

    C) Bothe of above.

    D) None of the above.

  • 2. The Host-to-Host layer parallels the functions of the OSI’s

    A) Network Layer.

    B) Data link Layer.

    C) Transport Layer.

    D) Internet Layer.

  • 3. In (TCP/IP)suite UDP protocol lie in which layer?

    A) Transport Layer.

    B) Network Access Layer.

    C) Internet Layer.

    D) Host to Host Layer.

  • 4. In OSI model ICMP belongs to which layer ?

    A) Transport Layer.

    B) Data Link Layer.

    C) Internet Layer.

    D) Network Layer.

  • 5. Which protocol used for e-mail ?

    A) ICMP.

    B) SNMP.

    C) SMTP.

    D) RIP.

  • 6. Which is not a TCP/IP layer ?

    A) Network Layer.

    B) Internet Layer.

    C) Network Access Layer.

    D) All of the above.

  • 7. The Network Access layer monitors the data exchange between ?

    A) The Hosts only.

    B) The Networks only.

    C) The Host and The Network

    D) None of the above.

  • 8. POP3 is used to ?

    A) Send a mail.

    B) Both send and receive a mail.

    C) Sometime send and sometime receive a mail.

    D) Receive a mail.

  • 9. DNS stands for ?

    A) Domain Name Services.

    B) Domain Name System.

    C) Domain Name Service.

    D) Domain Naming Service.

  • 10. DNS is used to resolve a ?

    A) CIDR.

    B) FQDN.

    C) VLSM.

    D) none of the above

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