MCQ for computer fundamental set 4

This blog contains a 10 questions mcq for computer fundamental. you can check your knowledge about computer fundamental basic by playing the below quiz . you need to select the correct answer from below quiz. There is a button at the end of this page to check your result. The button will show you your score and correct answers. Computer fundamental knowledge is the basic requirement for understanding the networking lessons and to qualify the networking certificates.

  • 1.The world's first commercially available general-purpose computer

    A) ENIAC.

    B) EDSAC.

    C) Mark-1.

    D) UNIVAC.

  • 2. Harvard Mark II belongs to

    A) Second Generation

    B) Third Generation

    C) First Generation

    D) Fourth Generation

  • 3. The first 4 bit processor of intel was ?

    A) 4400

    B) 4044

    C) 4404

    D) 4004

  • 4. The 8 bit processor is

    A) 8888

    B) 8086

    C) 8088

    D) 8008

  • 5. The 16 bit porcessor is ?

    A) 8008

    B) 8888

    C) 8088

    D) 1616

  • 6. The 32 bit processor is ?

    A) 8088

    B) 8008

    C) 80386

    D) 8888

  • 7. The optical disc is ?

    A) input device

    B) output device

    C) input/output device

    D) peripheral device

  • 8. It keeps track of which location in memory the next instruction is to be read from ?

    A) register

    B) RAM

    C) Cache memory

    D) None of the above

  • 9. ARPANET is later known as





  • 10. Errors in computer programs are called ?

    A) Bug

    B) Bugs

    C) hang

    D) bad command

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